I think I speak for all of us when I say entrepreneurship is so rewarding and empowering. I love meeting so many incredible women in this line of work.
I strive to pack as much value as I can into my online courses and the free content I publish on social media. So, if you’re a female entrepreneur thinking about hiring a business coach, consider this your free mini-class on how to stay empowered to do the hard things and get comfortable selling yourself.
We all know that feeling where the simplest of tasks seems like the hardest thing you’ve ever done, whether it’s sending a quick voice message, posting your pre-created content on social media, or hitting “send” on an email. As a business coach for female entrepreneurs, I have encountered this feeling time and time again both personally and through the students in my entrepreneur class.
In my Instagram training courses, I talk a lot about sales funnels, branding, relationship building, and content creation. As you know, there is SO much that goes into running an online business. Yet, sometimes the bigger, difficult tasks feel more doable than the ones that take mere minutes to complete.
What gives? Why do we get so overwhelmed by physical tasks that require so little effort?
Before we slap the procrastination label on the issue and file it under “Time Management,” let’s look a little deeper.
Procrastination: Getting to the Root of the Issue
Procrastination gets a bad rap. It is commonly thought to be an issue pertaining to one’s laziness or lack of time management. However, Dr. Tim Pychyl of Carleton University’s Procrastination Research Program calls it “an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem.” What this means is that we procrastinate to avoid some sort of negative emotion we had associated with the task we are avoiding.
So, with this perspective in mind, let’s revisit the tasks that we often find ourselves struggling to complete:
With the above solutions in mind, I want to give you permission to TALK. ABOUT. YOU. Don’t be shy to promote your offers, your business, and yourself!
Instagram Training Tips for Talking About You
I know it can be uncomfortable to sell yourself, but it doesn’t have to be in-your-face.
I’ve said it before that using your offers as examples can be incredibly impactful. Do this in your social content, emails, and digital presentations. It helps build credibility and gives your audience more information on what the offer can do for them – win/win.
One thing I’ve repeatedly noticed in my entrepreneur class that far too few CEOs do is to include their personal results in their content. I want you to tell EVERYONE how your methods have worked for you, and how they can work for others too. Give them the facts: “I did this strategy in the launch of my XYZ offer that covers ABC, and it brought in 123 results.”
It’s not bragging. It’s simply providing the facts and proof that your offers have value. Your offers and experience will always be your best example. This also builds trust by telling your audience that you aren’t offering them anything you haven’t tested on your own business first.
Now, look back at those tasks before you that you’ve been struggling to complete, and remember how far you have come. What is now your floor used to be your ceiling.
There’s a saying that goes, “if at first you don’t succeed, try something harder.” Look at all the things you’re doing now that seemed impossible when you first started this journey. Keep pushing and believing in yourself and I promise these tasks that feel like climbing a mountain today will be the ones you don’t even think about down the road.
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