Last Revised [June 14], 2021
Thank you for visiting The Social Bungalow, LLC website, including,, or any other site owned by The Social Bungalow. You arrived at this FTC Affiliate Disclosure from one of the above sites, referred to herein as “this website”.
The FTC requires bloggers and experts to disclose every time they receive a form of remuneration from a company or person they write about. Therefore, if The Social Bungalow, LLC receives any form of compensation, such compensation must be disclosed. For any time The Social Bungalow, LLC makes a recommendation, and/or uses a product or service and shares a link to that product, service, or the business or individual that sells that product or service, the following holds true:
1. While one of the core values of The Social Bungalow, LLC is to provide useful and valuable information that empowers and educates entrepreneurs, our site is generated by a for-profit company. From time to time, The Social Bungalow, LLC may participate in affiliate marketing and may allow affiliate links to be included on some of our pages. This means we may earn a commission if/when you click on, or make a purchase via an affiliate link. When you see links on this website, please assume they are affiliate links.
2. As a policy, The Social Bungalow, LLC will only affiliate with products, services, coaches, consultants, and other experts that we believe will provide value to you, our customer.
3. The Social Bungalow, LLC operates The Little Black Book, which is a directory of third party/online service providers. Please refer to The Little Black Book Disclosure here.
4. For all products or services received for free, The Social Bungalow, LLC must disclose such products or services in all relevant instances.
5. You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for your business and will benefit you. You agree not to rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by The Social Bungalow, LLC but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.