By Ashton Smith
I see you, CEO. You’re wearing all the hats, juggling all the projects, following through on all the big-picture goals. And let’s be honest, your days are becoming more and more sporadic and exhausting as a result.
What if I told you that there is another way? A way where:
>Your days are filled with peace of mind
>You generate dream-status profit without sacrificing your sanity
>Your business is growing AND you have the freedom to live your life
*Sips coffee and says “I’m listening.”*
I’ve been able to grow my revenue by 3,100% in the last 365 days while traveling nearly every single month. AKA: I’ve been able to work less, make more, and feel good doing it. And it’s been made possible with a powerful daily structure.
It’s time to get out of reactionary mode & strategically lead your business forward Let’s break down the structural elements to help:
Two Week Sprints
In order for your days to be productive, you need to be clear on the goal at hand and the tasks necessary to hit it. My favorite way to do this is with two-week sprints. Here’s how this works:
• Take your overarching goal & break it down into sub-goals
• Take those sub-goals & break them down into tasks
• At the start of a new sprint, outline the tasks you plan to complete & assign numeric goals you’d like to achieve
Focus only on those tasks during that timeframe
*My favorite project management software to use for this is Asana.
Profit Plan
One of the most powerful ways to shift that sporadic, hamster-wheel spinning energy is to become hyper-aware of your numbers. If you want to generate more profit in your business, it’s so important to plan for it.
Instead of hashing the “how-to” out here, I want to give you access to my 90-Day Profit Planning Spreadsheet System for free. This resource will help you create a strategic plan that moves the needle, creates impact, and generates profit in your biz.
Plan Your Days
It’s time to say “buh-bye” to sitting down at your desk in the morning and asking yourself “what am I supposed to be doing today?” We’re going to set you up for massive clarity, purpose, and aligned energy at the start of your day by planning for your days the afternoon/evening prior.
Important pieces to take note of:
• The purpose of your day
• Your top 3 priorities
• Any appointments/meetings
Your schedule (I like to time-block to ensure that everything is mapped out & I know where to put my energy at each moment)
*You’ll reference your ^two-week sprint^ from above to identify priorities
Daily Workflow:
Batch Your Work
According to a University of California Irvine study, “it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the task.” Which means… One of the simplest ways to drastically increase your overall productivity is to reduce the amount of time that you’re shifting your energy from one task to another.
In order to do that, we need to batch our work, and we can do this by batching our days. This simply means that you choose a primary focus for your work day and stick to that task. An example:
Monday – Content Creation
Tuesday – Client Calls / Meetings
Wednesday – Reserved for Current Project (Could be new offer creation, launch planning, etc)
Thursday – Client Calls / Meetings
Friday – CEO Day
*Flow State*
If you want to get more quality work done in less time, you need to prioritize flow state – when you are “in the zone” and fully immersed in the task at hand. When you batch your days, you’re already one step ahead – because you’re sticking to one task at a time.
A few other things to consider:
• Airplane mode (game changer, for real)
• Instrumental music (or whatever gets you in the zone)
• Sticking with the work at hand for the initial 30 minutes (as this is on average, how long it takes to trigger that state)
Which strategy do you want to try first?
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