Have you seen the viral TikTok trend going around where doctors share the top things they’d avoid after years in medicine? Well, this inspired me to think about everything that I would do, not do, and avoid completely after my year’s building businesses, creating strategies, and leading as a CEO…
1. Ignore My Intuition
Call it being highly aware or emotionally intelligent, but I’ve found that many fellow CEOs have intense intuition and “gut feelings” that really enlighten the path forward for them. As a CEO, I would never ignore that nagging feeling in the back of my mind when making business decisions (a reminder, we’re operating under the assumption that the mindset is already healthy and not recovering from recent trauma, as this can sometimes muddle the perspective). I know that every time I’ve gone against my gut, I’ve ended up regretting it or doing twice the work.
2. Not Having a Value Ladder
Your ideal clients may find you at different steps of their own journey- whether they’re just starting out and need guidance in the early phases of their growth, or are already in deep and need a high level of support. Because of this, as an online entrepreneur and CEO, I would never operate without a value ladder. This means having the ability to meet our clients at whatever stage they’re in with an offer that is specifically tailored to that level (as opposed to trying to sell something that’s too advanced or just not robust enough). A business with a holistic focus on value at every level is going to be more likely to have repeat buyers who stay loyal as they ascend to the next level of support.
3. Let Industry Trends of a Few Weeks Change My Strategy
It seems like every other month there is a new flashy marketing tactic or business strategy that pops up in the space and everyone just has to try. It may be a new app, a new feature, a hot new “aesthetic,” or even a repackaged strategy that got a fresh coat of paint. Sometimes, after only a few months, you’ll see that some of those who jumped on the bandwagon eventually change their tune and revert to what they had before or move on to the next trend. The solution? I let myself enjoy and learn about what’s trending without being anxious to adopt right out of the gate. If it’s something I know I want to invest my energy in, I’ll do it after consideration and testing- but at the end of the day I’m sticking to my foundational strategy without worrying about overlaying every single trending topic onto my business.
4. Over Consume from Within My Space
For all the time that you spend in your business and specific niche, it’s important to take time to be far removed from it! As a CEO, I make sure not to over-consuming content from my direct niche. There is, of course, an appropriate amount to consume from those like yourself- but there’s a limit to the amount of content and education you can digest without naturally regurgitating the methods of others on your own business. We get into dangerous territory if we start making decisions and creating from a place of “This is what everyone is doing so I have to do the same to stay in the game.” So in order to ensure I’m not falling victim to comparison-itis or letting others impact my business decisions, I make sure to expose myself to thought leaders who are totally removed from my own little corner of business, and seek out experiences that are totally fresh and will inspire me in truly unique ways.
5. Stick to My Business’s Original Narrative
Hot Take: You are NOT the same business owner that you were when you started, so why are you describing yourself and selling your offers with the same narrative you’ve always used? Don’t force yourself into a “box” that was created when your business was in its infancy. This simply limits your own perception of yourself, and tells others you’re “just XYZ.” For example, you started your journey as a freelance copywriter and pitched yourself as a “scrappy, get it done kind of contractor who’d burn the midnight oil for clients.” After lots of work in and on the business, you’ve refined your process and upleveled your skills, so a change in narrative (& price!) is in order- something like “a seasoned service provider with proven methodology to meld niche offers with creative communication.”
Want to know everything that I would do as a CEO? Trust me, it’s far more than five things! Join me inside of the Sophisticated CEO Suite to learn about every facet of scaling and streamling your business. Get in the same room as high achieving online entrepreneurs who are building a sophisticated business model™ through a modern approach to marketing, money, offers, & operations- this is the place to be, CLICK HERE to join.
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