Soft Skills Every CEO Needs in 2023
At the end of each year, we often take stock of our best-performing investments, favorite software or subscriptions, and hard skills that got us to the finish line [i.e technical skills]. But what about the more nuanced assets that we can bring to the table as CEOs?
The term “soft skills” refers to attributes within a person that enables them to interact effectively with other people or through a given space – like the business landscape.
As business owners, it’s crucial to have a balance of soft and hard skills- like being a skilled photoshop expert [hard skill] and great with conflict resolution to manage customer feedback well [soft skill].
Let’s break down the top soft skills that you can foster in 2023 to push your team, business, and self to new heights of success within your space.
1. Resourcefulness
One thing we’ve learned in 2022 is that resourcefulness goes a long way! This may be in the context of tighter economic periods, finding ways to repurpose your prior content to save time, or even working out an agreement with a contractor that saves you money by offering partial trade.
Resourcefulness as CEOs means that we’re always looking for quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
2. Stress Management
This soft skill is crucial to success in 2023, as proper stress management tactics can mean the difference between burnout and the ability to go forward smoothly. This goes beyond a simple unwind session with your favorite beverage and netflix show though…
CEO’s with developed stress management skills are able to manage their stress level throughout challenging situations that will inevitably happen- and even call in support from others when its needed (think stress management coaches, therapists, close friends and family).
3. Emotional Intelligence
This is a term you’ve likely heard in the leadership space before, but emotional intelligence is considered the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, while also being able to recognize the emotions of those around you.
As CEO’s, developed emotional intelligence means we’re able to honor what we’re feeling, understand what others are experiencing emotionally, and then work thoughtfully to find common ground between the two (this may be between you and clients or you and team).
4. Decision Making
Moving fast and being confident in one’s choices can feel scary as a business owner. However, as CEOs we don’t always have an abundance of time to think and plan before making a decision (sometimes you need to hire QUICK, or purchase a new software ASAP).
So, an important piece of our soft skill development is learning to trust ourselves with quick and confident decision making. Take some time in 2023 to practice small, swift decision making it so you can get comfortable acting fast.
5. Adaptability
In 2023, an adaptable CEO is a successful CEO. Understanding how to adjust to new conditions in your field, and even on your team will be massively helpful in furthering your mission.
As you get started in the new year, look for ways to upgrade your soft skills by placing yourself in new situations that flex your adaptablitity.
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