Design a profit vs. loss model for your online business that paves the way for your ideal annual revenue
Find how to quantify your time as a business owner so you can properly calculate your prices
Define the sneaky overhead expenses you hadn't factored into your financials
Understand your potential lifetime earning per client with the help of an ascension model
See the difference between selling your time for dollars vs. creating more time and energy for yourself by focusing on selling a course/offer
I said “peace out” to a 10-year corporate marketing career to pursue my passion of helping entrepreneurs market their expertise.
During my tenure as V.P. of Marketing, I had the honor of:
Writing weekly marketing articles for Forbes &
Working with household name brands like L’Oreal, Access Hollywood, and The Ellen Degeneres Show
Created strategic changes to the structure of my corporate clients' business that increased revenue by over 50% immediately after implementation
I've taken these infrastructure + marketing methods into the online space and now I'm here to help you do the same in your business model.
— You are ready to reengineer the way that you look at your online business
— You're not scared of making a big mindset shift in order to take control of your financials
— You know that you're leaving money on the table at the end of each month, but you don't want to just raise your prices to compensate
— You're ready to get the ascension model strategy that will make your offers work even harder for you
Your top notch offers + this proven framework?
= Exceeding your goals
join the free workshop